5. Make a “welcome back” sign
Signs are awesome! They’re easy to read and prove to Shaytan that you have extra time on your hands that he can help fill with stuff to do.
4. Introduce Him To Your Friends
Shaytan just came back and he might not know some of your friends. Don’t let him feel left out, make sure to invite your friends whenever you and him hang out and do stuff so that he can meet more people.
3. Have a to-do list for the next 11 months
Shaytan is only here for 11 months of the year so you need to make the best of these months. Since Shaytan is already on his way back, you should get to jotting down all the things you wish you could’ve done during Ramadan.
2. Play it cool
You’ve been waiting a whole month for Shaytan to show up.We get it, you might be nervous when he comes back after so long but the most important thing is to be your non-Ramadan self.
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